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Petrobras regretfully announced that an explosion took place aboard FPSO Cidade de São Mateus, February 11th 2015, at approximately 12:50 pm. The FPSO was operated by BW Offshore and was chartered by Petrobras.

The unit had been operating since June 2009 in the post-salt of the Camarupim and Camarupim Norte fields, some 120 km off the Espírito Santo state coast.

Out of 74 workers onboard, nine people died. In addition, several others were injured.

Petrobras’ report on the incident was released in July 2015 and aimed at documenting the analysis of the occurrence, in order to further improve the industry’s safety standards and prevent similar accidents in future.

The main causal factors identified were breaches of fluid pumping operating procedures, the installation of a piece of equipment (racket) in a pipe without the proper technical specifications and alteration registration, and safety procedure violations.
Petrobras has submitted the report to the public authorities, including the National Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP), the Federal Police and the Civil Police, with whom Petrobras has been collaborating since the start of the investigations.
The report’s conclusions are also being shared with Petrobras’ exploration and production workforce, the BW Offshore group—which was responsible for operating the Cidade de São Mateus—and the oil industry as a whole.

Investigation report fram the Brasilian Navy.