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Mekling innen oljeservice med Safe
Meklingen i oljeserviceoppgjøret mellom Norsk olje og gass og Safe (Sammenslutningen av fagorganiserte i energisektoren) finner sted i dag, onsdag 2. desember.
Hun er "Petro Lady of the Year"
Sara Elvelund Sandvik er kåret til Petro Lady of the Year. Til daglig jobber hun som geolog i leteavdelingen til Lundin Energy Norway.
Negotiations completed for onshore employees
Pay talks on the oil industry agreement with the Norwegian Union of Industry and Energy Workers (Industry Energy) and the oil agreement with the Norwegian Union of Energy Workers (Safe), Parat and Negotia have been concluded.
Agreement with one union, mediation with the other
A settlement on oil service pay was reached between Norwegian Oil and Gas and the Norwegian Union of Industry and Energy Workers (Industry Energy). The Norwegian Union of Energy Workers (Safe) broke off the talks.
Oil service talks under way
Negotiations on collective pay settlements for union members in oil service companies begin today. These agreements cover just over 5 000 employees.
Settlement with Lederne – strike called off
Agreement was reached in Friday’s meeting at the National Mediator between Norwegian Oil and Gas and the Norwegian Organisation of Managers and Executives (Lederne). The 10-day stoppage thereby ended.