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Mediation launched with Lederne
The Norwegian Oil and Gas Association and the Norwegian Organisation of Managers and Executives (Lederne) began mediation at 10.00 today, 3 June 2019. Production from a number of Norway’s offshore fields will be hit if no deal is reached by the deadl
Norsk olje og gass og Lederne i mekling
MEKLINGEN FORTSETTER PÅ OVERTID: Meklingen med Lederne startet opp i dag kl. 10. Produksjonen ved en rekke felt på norsk sokkel vil bli rammet hvis det ikke oppnås enighet innen fristen som utløper ved midnatt.
Sterke investeringstall
Statistisk sentralbyrås øker anslagene for oljeinvesteringer i 2019 og 2020. Det er godt nytt for Norge.
Oil service pay talks completed
After two days of negotiation, collective pay agreements for personnel in the oil service sector were finalised on the evening of Wednesday 15 May.
Negotiating oil service pay deal
Talks have begun on revising the collective pay agreements for personnel in Norway’s oil service sector. Some 5 000 employees are organised in the unions concerned.
Lederne break off talks
After two days of negotiations, the Norwegian Organisation of Managers and Executives (Lederne) broke off pay talks with the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association early on Thursday morning.
Talks on offshore pay deals under way
This year’s negotiations on collective pay agreements for operator, drilling and catering employees on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) are taking place on 7-8 May.